Right now, my classroom is orderly, peaceful, ready and waiting for the students to arrive. Please keep an eye on them, as they navigate the maze that is middle school. Please keep an eye on me, as I try to do the same in high heels.
a little experiment in "phlobbing" (read: photo-blogging).
Did you ever see something - person, place, or thing - and say a quick prayer to God? Did this little something motivate you to say thanks, ask forgiveness, give a little confession, cry for help, or just strike up a conversation? Ever find yourself in that type of situation?
Well, I did.
And I phlobbed all about it.
This is
Lindsay, the Phlobber
This is
my disclaimer:
I am not, nor do I claim to be, a professional photographer (but I did take all these pictures.)
I am not, nor do I wish to be, a member of the clergy (but I know a lot of them.)
I am just, and happy to be, a girl with a digital camera and internet access (but you probably figured that out by now.)
wrote about book about picture prayers, but I didn't know it when I started this phlog. So, if you like what you read here, you might also enjoy reading this book by Heidi Hollis.